Saturday April 25, 2015 is the big day here are a few names and faces that will be at the combine! If you have submissions and photos of kids that will compete this year football hotbed wants to hear from you. Send all Info to Thomas Fleming West Region Director @ Send childs first and last name, height, weight, class and a photo and film link. This is a countdown every Friday top 20 until April 25, 2015. Register Today if you have not still $40.00 Ages. 8-14 grades 4th – 8th. Register and make the List!!!!! First 20 Below!!!!
Wiuld love for my son to participate but wat good could this do for my son who is 9ys old how will he be remembered if his class is 2023
Your son is not eligible until 4th grade. Most 9 year olds are in third grade, so next year!
How can I register??
Register on this site with the link: All-American combine