West Coast Super Regional Combine Announcement: Let’s do it Again


Simon Samarzich shuttle run

Simon Samarzich shuttle run

Football Hotbed is proud to announce the new date that will allow all athletes that attended the West Coast Super Regional Combine on April 25, 2015 to come out once again to do the entire combine and experience the position drills, 1 on 1 drills, our 7v7 showcase and presentation of Golden Tickets. Everyone who was in attendance at the Combine on April 25th that turned in a waiver form  and received Football Hotbed gear (Dri-Fit Shirt) are eligible to return to the combine at no cost. The Combine will be Saturday May 30, 2015 at A.B. Miller High School in Fontana, California. The combine will be ran in two separate sessions. 4th, 5th & 6th grade will report to combine and check-in at 10:00 am. 7th & 8th grade will report at 1:30 pm. Each athlete will be allowed to have all their times and measurements recorded once again in the 40 yard dash, short shuttle, broad jump and power ball toss. Below are the exact details of how to confirm attendance for the combine. Football Hotbed once again would like to thank all of you for being patient as we look forward to providing you with the very best Football Hotbed has to offer.




TIME: 4th, 5th, 6th Grade: 10:00 am

7th, 8th Grade: 1:30 pm

LOCATION: A.B. Miller High School

6821 Oleander Ave Fontana, CA 92336




STEP #1: Send email to West Region Director Thomas Fleming at: t.fleming@footballhotbed.com

Subject: WCSRC M30         Body: Athletes First & Last Name, Grade & Position



STEP #2: Region Director will reply sending you the waiver form that each child must have completed to participate. The waiver form must be printed, filled out and signed by parent.


STEP #3: Send waiver form back to email: t.fleming@footballhotbed.com


STEp #4: Show up Saturday Morning or Evening (Depending on Age Group) wearing Football Hotbed Shirt and Black Shorts. The Football Hotbed shirt  gets the athlete on the field.


This combine will be at no charge. Each participant will only need to follow the 4 easy steps to remain eligible for attendance. This is only for athletes that attended the combine on Saturday April 25, 2015 at Upland High School, and received Football Hotbed gear (Shirts) that day. The shirt each athlete received that day is the only thing the athlete needs to participate on Saturday May 30, 2015 at A.B. Miller High School.





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